If you have followed BlessBack’s blog, you know that BlessBack’s mission is to encourage people to give a BlessBack, change your life, change the world, and that one of my goals in life is to help people recognize how important they are to the world by using the power of gratitude to thank the significant people in their lives.
Last week I met a woman, Teri Johnson, who so believes in helping women lead empowered lives that she put together The Refine Conference (www.TheRefineConference.com) September 21 and 22, 2012 at the DoubleTree Hilton in Bloomington, Minnesota, a national conference to help women become who they are meant to be.
Teri was so enthused with BlessBack’s concept to “pay it backward” to the significant people in our lives, that she has invited me to come to the conference to tell the women there about it.
Today I’m featured as a guest on Teri’s website, Keeping it Personal where I’m offering you a chance to be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life to those who leave a comment at the end of my blog post.
Here is the mission statement for The Refine Conference:
Come as you are. Take your next steps with purpose.
Once I heard Teri’s mission statement for this incredible, empowering conference, I couldn’t help but say yes to becoming involved, especially since the first day of this conference is World Gratitude Day. Come say hi to me at this event on World Gratitude Day and receive a discount on the paperback version of BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, which will be for sale at the conference’s store.
Teri has put together an incredible conference of national speakers and entertainers to help women like you and me to “keep it personal with ourselves, others and God, seeking to refine our lives emotionally, spiritually, financially, professionally, in health and wellness and in our relationships.”
Cost for the event is $250, but through the end of August, individuals can receive the group discount rate of $200 if they enter the group discount rate coupon code “Become.” You can register here. In addition, the DoubleTree Hotel (1-800-222-TREE) has put together a special discount daily rate for this event of $89.00 + tax if you make your reservation prior to August 30, 2012. (Ask for the REFINE rate when you call.) If you have any questions, please feel free to email her at [email protected] OR call 952-224-2110 to talk to a live person.
Here is Teri’s bio:
Teri is the president and founder of Keeping it Personal. She is the author of the book, Overcoming the Nevers, a writer, speaker, and sought-after personal growth expert. Great conversations while sipping coffee and soaking up as many sunsets as she can, make her tick — along with running and taking pictures. She’s passionate about helping others; an encourager and a cheerleader to many. Teri lives a joy-filled life deeply devoted to her husband, her two boys, and her relationship with God.
Come over to Teri’s website and leave a comment for your chance to be entered in a drawing to win your choice of either the e-version or a paperback copy of BlessBack.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.