Were you or your children bullied by peers? Today I’m guest-posting at Keeping it Personal with 10 Ways To Thrive When Being Bullied where I share some ideas that helped me cope as I was going through the teenage years.
Each month I am a guest on Teri Johnson’s Keeping it Personal blog. I met Teri in the summer of 2012 through a friend of mine, Barbara Marshak. Teri is the founder and owner of The Refine Conference, a 2-day conference aimed to allow women to “come as you are, take your next steps with purpose.” Teri also leads MasterMind classes, is a life coach and leads The Ultimate Journey, an intense 3-day course that has truly changed women’s lives. Overcoming the Nevers is a non-fiction book, written by Teri, that simply put, is the 12-Step program for the everyday person. It is a marvelous, empowering read. If you’d like to be a part of receiving Teri’s blog, sign up and each day you’ll receive a short post from Teri as well as practical tips you can apply to your life in these categories: financial, emotional, health and wellness, professional, spiritual or relationships (the category where you’ll find my posts).
Thanks, Teri, for the pleasure to know you. You are an inspiration to me.
If you’d like to read my previous Keeping it Personal guest posts they include:
As always, I am grateful to you, my faithful readers.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.