I, along with two other gratitude writers, are excited to bring to you a Week of Gratitude Giveaways, where you’ll be able to win prizes, get inspired and more! Join best-selling authors Julie Saffrin, Shelley Hitz and Heather Bixler for some great prizes.
Monday – August 20 – enter to win print copies of BlessBack®: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, by Julie Saffrin.
Wednesday – August 22 – Download a FREE Kindle copy of 21 Days of Gratitude: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude by Shelley Hitz AND enter to win a gratitude journal with thank-you notes.
Friday – August 24 – Download a FREE Kindle copy of My Scripture Journal: Gratitude by Heather Bixler and enter to win a print authographed copy.
Join us this entire week, full of fun, prizes and a focus on gratitude!
Gratitude Giveaway for Monday August 20
Enter a comment for your chance to win a paperback version of BlessBack®Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life.
Book Description (written by the author):
About 15 years ago, on a particularly blue day, I found myself knowing I was in a funk but not knowing how to get out of it. I was also in a reflective mood, reassessing my life. I went to my bedroom closet and took a shoebox down filled with saved thank-you notes and letters I had received.
I sat down on my closet floor and started reading. Time spilled out as I read saved letters and cards. I spent the afternoon filling my soul with altruistic feelings by rereading these messages of my life and gratitude. I discovered in these letters the great give-get of thanks, both in its ability to validate the receiver’s existence as well as to reinvigorate the giver’s soul.
Because of my having felt the benefits of gratefulness expressed, I determined to start writing what I call BlessBacks. BlessBacks give thanks backward, where we look into our past and express thanks to those people who were our illuminators. These people helped us take a pause, pivot or advance in our life journey. They are the people who when we think of them we think, “I can breathe deeply here.” They can be safe harbors, trailblazers or maybe even foghorns, depending on what we needed or where we were at the time.
My book teaches readers why our memories hold power to create positive, lasting change both in our lives and the world around us. BlessBack, guides readers to reflect, connect with, and thank the significant people who shaped their lives.
With a blend of true stories and research, BlessBack:
- Reveals the benefits of why giving thanks matters to you, both mentally and physically, as well as to your recipients
- Explores how practicing gratitude creates a cycle of sustained happiness and a transformed life
- Offers 120 creative and compelling ideas to help you journey toward positive, lasting change
Who are you thinking about today, that influenced your life? Leave a comment about it and you will be entered into a drawing for a FREE PAPERBACK copy of BlessBack®: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life!
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.
I love this book and highly recommend it. I’m excited for this week of gratitude giveaways! 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words about my book. I hope sales rock on your giveaway day. Thanks for making the connection with me. It’s a pleasure to get to know you.
I recently began keeping a gratitude journal and am realizing the benefits of gratitude. I’d love to win “BlessBack”!
Thank you so much for stopping by today to leave a comment. Would love to hear the discoveries you’ve made as you ve journaled your gratefulness. I’ will put your name in the drawing. 🙂
Julie Saffrin
would love to win this book ty and Gods Peace
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment – hope you win – you’re entered! Have a great big day.
Julie Saffrin
So many people have blessed me, too numerous to count! I would love to read this book. I know I am not nearly grateful enough for what the Lord has blessed me with over the years. Learning to express gratitude is very important and something I know I need to journey toward.
Hi Betti,
And I would love for you to win it. 🙂 You’re entered in the drawing.
And a comment about your comment.You sound like you have an appreciative heart. This book will give you the how-dos to help you do it. Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by. Your bothering to do so – really, it means so much to me.
This looks interesting! Love when people share their insight with others!
Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. About sharing insights. . .if you win this book, you’ll be able to express how your life influencers gave of their insightfulness to you and helped you be a better you. Hope you have a great day and you’re entered in the drawing.
Julie Saffrin
I would love to win a copy of your book, Julie! I’ve heard some amazing reviews about it.
Thanks for stopping by. Would love for doubt win the book and hear back your thoughts about it. Have a great day.
Sounds like an interesting read. Looking forward to it. Blessings
Hi Steve,
Thanks so much for stopping by to post a comment. I hope you win too and if you do and read it, post your thoughts on Amazon or write.
Have a wonderful day.
Julie Saffrin
This all sounds wonderful. The Giveaways, the great books and thoughts behind them! Count me in! I have learned but always need the reinforcing to give thanks always! Thank you!
Hi Dawn,
I hope you win too – thanks for stopping by to leave a comment. I truly appreciate your taking the time to do this. I know a giveaway is motivating, but I’m thrilled to make the connection with you. Have a great one.
Julie Saffrin
I am thrilled to have won AND thrilled to connect with you too, Julie! Thanks!
This one looks like a winner and I’m grateful for this chance to win it. Reminds me of ‘365 Thank yous’ by John Kralik.
Hi Linda,
Wow, thanks for writing. I hadn’t heard of “365 thank-yous” but in peaking at this book, I’m honored to be compared to Kralik’s writing.
Consider yourself entered in the drawing – hope you win!
Have a great one.
Julie Saffrin
I would love to win this book, it sounds like it would fit what I’ve been really considering a lot more lately and this just might help me understand everything more! thank you!
Hi Megan,
Thoughtful of you to stop by. I would love foryou to win and hear back what your thoughts are about the concept and If you give a BlessBack what happens. Your name is in the drawing.
Julie Saffrin
Who can’t use more gratitude?!
God’s been talking to me about gratitude versus optimism. Turns out they aren’t the same. Here’s my devotion:
Your blog was inspiring. Your video – my heart is breaking! Thank you for sharing this with me. Paul said he learned to be content in all circumstances. This is most humbling in light of the video you produced. We here in the United States can wake and “take on the day.” I remember a friend in the Philippines telling me that there, there is no reason to wake up with a “can-do” spirit as the poverty is so dire, the food so scarce, that he knew with each new day, food and his struggle to get it, would only be worse than the day before. His life changed when an American missionary took him to the second floor of a building in his village. He had no idea there was a different horizon than the one on ground level. Only then did his mind awaken to the meaning of “opportunity.” Thank you for posting this video. I am changed and will strive to live my life differently because of seeing it.
Julie Saffrin
Your reply humbles me. Like you, that video struck me at my core. I appreciate you taking time to follow the link and reply. Blessings to you as “Blessback” changes lives.
I read somewhere that if the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice; I’ve learned that being grateful (counting your blessings)is a way to shift focus from “have not” to “have” and if you start every day this way, what a simple stress reducer. 🙂
Hi Paula,
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. You, by learning about BlessBack and writing me – well, technically this counts as your first BlessBack 🙂 By practicing gratitude and by that I mean to specifically thank someone who has influenced your life (I call these people our illuminators), you truly can change your life to an empowered one. You have made my day simply by writing. I just know you change people’s lives. I hope you win a copy of the book.
Julie Saffrin
I work with High School girls, and would love to read this and study this with them, to help them learn from an early age, the benefits of being grateful! Thank you so much for sharing your insights with others. :>)
I have a special heart for girls – yes, I am one but I don’t have sisters or daughters. I’m all about giving someone a good day. I would love for you to win this book and let it serve as an example of ways to promote each other’s goodness. I hope you win, but if you don’t, please email me offline. Perhaps we can work something out for you and your girls. Have a great big day.
Julie Saffrin
I am thankful to be on Shelley Hitz’s mailing list and to learn about BlessBack! Thank you for entering me into the drawing.
Hi Tami,
Thank you for being so kind as to stop by my blog. Hope you have a wonderful day. I’ve entered you in the drawing. Hope you win!
Julie Saffrin
Look forward to reading this book – it is so needed by all. We have more to be thankful for than we have to complain about.
Thanks so much stopping by and leaving a comment. You are entered in the drawing. Your comments are so true. We truly have nothing to complain about in this country. Hope you have a great day.
Wow, what a neat idea! This would be a great topic to share in the Ladies Class I teach at church. It would also be wonderful to win something like this – thank you for giving us this opportunity. Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for stopping by to post a comment on my blog. Means a lot. BlessBack is a perfect study for your ladies’ class. I hope you win. If you don’t, though, email me privately and we’ll discuss this possibility.
Hope you have a great day!
Julie Saffrin
This sounds soo good!! I hope that I win!!! 😀
Hi Phyllis,
I hope you win too….and love it. 🙂
Would love to win this book and learn how to express gratitude and look for ways that people have blessed that I haven’t thought were blessings
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I hope you win too. There is a wonderful euphoria that comes with thanking our life influencers. Both the giver and receiver benefit and feel like they matter.
Have a great day
Before I developed physical challenges I was able to go on 6 mission trips with Women’s Ministry from my church. One precious, petite, gray-haired woman, who had recently been freed from Communism in her country, handed me an apple that she had picked from somewhere while walking to church for our retreat. I still have her picture. She couldn’t speak a word of English, yet she blessed me with this special act of giving from her heart. Those of us who took these mission trips were ALWAYS blessed back much more than we could ever give!
What a tender and beautiful story, Judi. So much said between you and her without words. Sure hope someday you will meet her “on the other side”, where words can be spoken. Gestures of kindness exchanged like this stay with us. They change us, in a good way, if we let them. I have a feeling that you, on these mission trips, have chamged many people’s lives. Thanks for writing. Hope you win the drawing.
Julie Saffrin
I am always looking for new books to teach me how to be better person. I’d love to read your book and learn what you are teaching.
You sound like a wonderful person and no doubt have shown gratitude. I have entered your name in the drawing! Best of luck.
Julie Saffrin
What a lovely idea to help us move the focus off of our own circumstances.
A BlessBack not only asks you to look back over your positive past to remember those who helped you become the you you are today, but it also asks you to thank them. Thamks so much for liking the book’s idea. I have entered your name iin the drawing. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Julie Saffrin
As I read about your book I immediately thought of the song: Thank you by Ray Boltz which says, Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. I used this song as a memorial at my mom’s funeral. She touched so many lives, and one could tell by the variety of people in attendance, right up to people she had met in the hospital just weeks before she passed.
Too often it’s only at funerals that good words, thank you is said. I am working on saying thanks now and often to those whom have touched my life and made a difference in my life. Your books sounds like one that I would enjoy not only reading, but putting into practice. Please enter me in the draw. Thank you.
First of all, I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I am sure you miss her like crazy. Secondly, your mom must have blessed many people. I am sure Heaven will look different because of how she lived her life and cared for others.
Thank you for reminding me about the Ray Boltz song. It beautifully expresses a BlessBack. I have entered your name in the drawing.
Julie Saffrin
Dearest in Christ,
although severely disabled God has given me may opportunities for education writing and stuff. He also gives me the honor and privilege to read the works of other Christians. Every book I read contains wisdom, insight, or something memorable and things that help me grow as a person ad a Christian. I always look forward to the chance of reading someone’s labor of love. Invariably I am blessed by each book and the messages within.
Dear Dr. Ley,
Thank you much for writing. Sounds like you have helped many with your own writing. I do hope that othersare helped by BlessBackto go on to live aj empowered life. Your name is entered in the drawing.
Julie: I love the idea for your book! This weekend we were particularly grateful thanks to the birth of our first grandchild.
Years ago a friend taught me what she called the “bless you-bless you trick”. It meant praying blessings for anyone who had harmed you or whom you did not like. At first I thought she was crazy, until I tried it. Even though I prayed initially through gritted teeth, eventually I found I honestly cared about what happened to the other person, and after awhile, something miraculously shifted in our reactions to one another. If I would only put this into practice more often!
I also discovered recently that I need to keep an “Attagirl” file in my desk drawer. I wear many hats, among them writer, speaker, and teacher. At times I find myself getting discouraged, like we all do. So, I began to compile printouts of supportive emails, thank you letters, comments from people who take my seminars, notes from students, etc., that are positive and encouraging. When I get low, I can re-read these to my heart’s content, and I am blessed all over again.
Blessing works in both directions, in the “going out” and in the “coming in”. I am sure our Lord designed it just that way.
Sarah Gunning Moser
Love both of these ideas. Your “Atta girl” sounds a lot like my Box of Common Days. God asks to remember goodness, even to “think on these things” so we will be changed. Thanks so much for writing and making a connection with me. I have entered your name in the drawing. I think you would enjoy this book.
I am grateful to my mom for giving me life and for telling me about Jesus who gives eternal life.
Your words are what many a mom longs to hear. Hope you win this book so you can read the benefits of giving and receiving thanks. I think you would enjoy this book.
Thanks for writing.
What a WONDERFUL idea!! Cool book.
today I am thinking about a teacher I had in High School that I loved and loved her students and made me feel like I could achieve my dreams. I would love to win this book!
Your high school teacher sounds awesome. I hope you win and reading it gives you the courage to thank her. Thanks for stopping by to comment. Have a great day!
I keep a gratitude journal, and it’s a wonderful way to remember your blessings. I would love to win “Blessback”. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love that you keep a gratitude journal and imagine you lived a very satisfied life because you do. Your name is entered in the drawing. Will be announced on Sat a.m. If you win, I’ll contact you.
would love to win any of the books you are giving away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1