Every now and then I head to Excelsior Commons to watch the water. Being near water helps me get back to me and often provides a new perspective or a creative thought. Yesterday, April 22, 2013, I sat in my car in a parking space and watched as a boat hugged the ice, breaking it up into bits and pieces. One would think a barge-like boat would be used for this, but the boat used was just an ordinary speed boat created floating chunks of ice, with the waves from the boat sending them to shore.
Later, I paid Dunn Bros. coffee shop in Excelsior a visit and commented to the coffee shop’s owner that perhaps others were just as antsy as I was to have Lake Minnetonka free of ice. The owner said, “Boats do this every spring to help break up the ice.”
Her words got me thinking about BlessBack and the point of giving one. Just like the boats help us get to spring, so do giving BlessBacks help break the sameness of life. BlessBacks give people a different point of view from the breaking news and bad news of the day. BlessBacks give people a good day. They interrupt and make us look at the world differently and help us to see that we are each significant to the world.
Here’s to hoping you help break up the ice in someone’s life today and give that person a BlessBack.
Here’s to making today a BlessBack Day.
JULIE SAFFRIN is the author of numerous articles and essays. She received her bachelor’s degree in print journalism and English from the University of St. Thomas. She divides her time between her home in Minneapolis and her Adirondack chair at her cabin on a lake in Ottertail County with her husband Rick, sons Sam, Joe and Jake, and a golden retriever named Mick.
Buy the paperback version of BlessBack®: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life.
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Readers can contact Julie at her website, http://JulieSaffrin.com, on BlessBack’s Facebook Fan page at www.Facebook.com/blessback. To follow BlessBack (@blessback) on Twitter click here.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.