This Independence Day will mark the third time we have participated in the annual Dead Lake Fourth of July parade. I prefer to call it water fireworks. And it’s not for the faint of heart.
It’s the funnest day. Boats of every kind line up at the beginning of North Bay. For an hour, we cruise along the shore in our pontoon decorated for the day.
And prepare ourselves for attack.
For dock wars.
Dock after dock is lined with children, fingers at the ready on their super soaker squirt guns to drench us.
We’re ready too. Stowed aboard are a hundred filled water balloons in five-gallon buckets and 50 sandwich bags sealed with candy to lob back at our attackers. We get drenched. They get drenched. Everyone has F-U-N.
Some of those in the parade take their decorations seriously. Some even decorate themselves.
It’s an activity that involves the whole family and brings the old and new lake owners together.
Look out, dock residents. I’m doing big circle-arm windmill exercises to prepare myself. Water balloons, here I come.
Whatever your plans – I hope you have a happy Fourth!
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.