Several weeks ago at the Christian Authors Book Fair in Plymouth, Minn., I ran into Michael Ireland, a British journalist I became acquainted with years ago at the Minnesota Christian Writers Guild. We visited briefly. The next day, he sent me, quite unexpectedly, a host of questions about BlessBack®: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, for me to answer as soon as possible as he wanted to do a story with Assist News Service about my book and why I wrote it.
I was thrilled at his interest, but crippled by technology. I was in Hill City, South Dakota, visiting my friend Barbara Majchrzak’s High Country Guest Ranch and believe it or not, there are still places where one cannot get cellphone coverage or Internet. I was in, that week, one of those places. In our cabin, there was a horsehair’s amount of space where I could get Internet — when the cell tower felt like bestowing its powers and if I laid my phone “just right.”
I wrote Michael a short e-mail I would have to respond to him when I returned home.
And then a cold, the stomach flu, and a bridal shower for 33 people in my home happened. Pretty much all at once.
Last week I returned to the land of the living and was able to finally provide answers to Michael. Yesterday, Michael sent me a link to the finished article with this line, “being distributed to 2,600 Christian media outlets (print, broadcast, and Internet) around the world.”
I had no idea of Assist News Service’s reach. I am humbled and beyond words. To God goes the glory, alone.
Here is the start to Michael’s article. You can read the full article here.
Michael Ireland, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net)
MINNEAPOLIS, MN (ANS – Nov. 21, 2016) – At Thanksgiving, many Christian believers take an opportunity to give thanks for their many blessings. It is just one day, out of 365 each year, that we specifically think of being thankful.
What if we could cultivate an “attitude of gratitude” all year round? What if we were to think more often of being thankful and “BlessBack®”?
I hope you enjoy the article Michael wrote for Assist News Service. If you do, kindly write him a note at the article’s end. Assist News Service was created by another British fellow, Dan Wooding, a wonderful journalist, who along with his wife Norma, created this news service to tell stories of Christians working around the world. It is a wonderful and inspirational, and sometimes eye-opening news source, and you can receive it for free.
Thanks so much, Michael, for reaching out to me! You ARE a blessing.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.