Upon the hills of Garlingtown
Beneath the summer sky,
In many pleasant pastures
On sunny slopes and high,
Their skins abloom with dusty blue,
Asleep the berries lie.
—Frank Prentice Rand
In the Saffrin house this summer of ’18, we’re about five weeks along in following the Keto diet. Some days it’s been harder to live without carbs and sugar than it’s been to slog being outside on a wet humid day.
But, we’re doing it. Lots of time, for me at least, spent learning some new recipes. Where would I be without the internet?
I’ve found amazing recipes online. Being the blueberry lover that I am, my best go-to recipe is this one from blogger, Happy Keto. Of course it has blueberries in it.
It’s called Keto Blueberry Chia Pudding and it is wonderful. While I can’t put the recipe here because I did not alter a thing in the ingredients, know that you need frozen blueberries, chia seeds, unsweetened coconut milk, unsweetened coconut flakes, raw almonds, 90% dark chocolate and a dollop of heavy whipped cream with a couple of drops of liquid stevia. I used, and love Thai’s Unsweetened Coconut Milk.
I have a food processor which whirled the ingredients to perfection, but I think you could use a blender, using the pulse button. A mixer might be tricky with the frozen blueberries, but maybe if you partially defrosted them, the recipe might work.
I served this dessert at our neighborhood Bunco night and the women seemed to like this sugar-free dessert. It whips up in a snap. Just make sure you allow enough time for the dessert to set up in the fridge. Let it sit in the fridge at least three hours. And yes, do whirl, separately, the unsweetened coconut flakes, the almonds, and the dark chocolate. I sprinkle them atop a dollop of heavy cream, sweetened with liquid stevia. And yes, for recipes that are not baked or cooked, I prefer the liquid version. The granules, well, they don’t seem to dissolve and no, they don’t taste like sugar. 🙂
Another recipe book, which my son, Jake and his wife, Jenny, gave me for my birthday is Keto Made Easy by Megha Barot and Matt Gaedke. I’ve made quite a few recipes. Who knew you could make Fettucine Alfredo on a keto diet?
But the two recipes high on my list of favorites in this recipe book are the Raspberry Jam and the Keto Bread.
I did not have raspberries when I made this recipe, so I used blueberries. Just. As. Scrumptious. No problem with it “setting up” in the saucepan.
Turned out delicious and sweet and yes, love it on my toasted Keto Bread.
Trust me. The recipes in this book are worth the price tag when you consider how expensive no carb bread is to purchase.
Any of you trying this way of eating? I’d love to hear about your favorites recipes.
Happy summering, friends.
Next post: Strawberry Shortcakes from Keto Made Easy.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.