Greetings to you in the time of corona virus. 2020, a place in time where everywhere we look or listen and live seems anything but ordinary. Where facemasks are “mandated,” and every day brings a twist tucked into it.
By now, a good portion of us, due to this pandemic, have moved to making pencil entries because of having had to put lines through inked-in items on our to-do lists as well as planned adventures on our calendars. What a Weird Year, or, as I like to call it now, a “loonigan” year.
The Mestads and Hamanns have come for one four-day weekend to our lake home for the past ten years. The last time we were together at our cabin, one of the six of us coined a word, “loonigan.”
So when I received Kris’ watercolor rendition of a loonigan in a facemask, I knew I wanted to create some loonigan notecards for people in need of a humorous pick-me-up. He gave his permission, wanting all of his profits to go to charity.
Introducing the Loonigan-in-the-Time-of-Corona-Virus-Notecard.
What is a “loonigan” exactly?
“Loonigan” is a catch-all word for anything unexplainable, questionable, humorous, irrational, full of mistakes, or unintentional. Use it as a noun like this:
“It’s a loonigan.”
Or, you can use it as an adjective, such as:
“It’s a loonigan life right now.”
The loon is wearing a facemask, appropriate during this time of the coronavirus. Kris designed it to be a humorous reminder of all that living in this ongoing time encompasses – missing out on seeing friends, missing out on in-person celebrations and good-byes, missing just . . . the ordinary.
Use this Loonigan card to send to someone who’s also living life’s weird reality right now. You don’t need another reason to write your note to someone other than to say, “Hi, I understand,” and call whatever your recipient’s circumstances are: “It’s a loonigan!”
Use this card to bring humor to someone who needs it. Use it to write someone and say that even though life’s a loonigan right now, that we have each other, whether in person, on-screen, or by way of a personal note. Use it to wish someone a “Happy Loonigan Anniversary,” a “Happy Loonigan Birthday,” or “Happy Loonigan Congratulations.” The sky’s the limit – just use your imagination.
The Loonigan Notecard in Time of Corona Virus measures 5 1/2 inches wide by 4 1/4 inches tall. The inside is left blank inside so you can add some words about being honest about loonigan life and what living through it feels like. Downright weird, uncertain, yes, but even so, we’ll find a loonigan time – a humorous moment, despite it all.
The Loonigan Notecard comes with a white envelope, left blank inside for you to write what you’d like. These cards are normally $3.00 each + $2.00 for shipping.
For a limited time, I’m offering a deal on my Etsy store – juliesaffrinsstuff – 20% off my entire store between now and midnight on Tuesday, September 8th, 2020. Stop on by and grab some Loonigan Notecards for yourself.
Enjoy, and thanks, Kris, for offering us a facemasked loonigan to bring what we need: a smile.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.