Shelley Hitz and I both write about gratitude. I’m delighted to feature her today on the release of her new book, 21 Stories of Gratitude: The Power of Living Life with a Grateful Heart. Today she features her fifth way to celebrate gratitude by feeding families Thanksgiving meals. Welcome, Shelley! 21 Ways to Celebrate Gratitude Idea #5: Feed Families Thanksgiving Meals by Shelley Hitz Thanksgiving season is soon approaching and this year, I encourage you to take the opportunity to celebrate gratitude. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, take a moment (or two) to…
Read More“My Scripture Journal: Gratitude” – enter to win a free Kindle copy, leave a comment to win a print autographed copy.

I met Heather Bixler in an online writer’s group. She’s written a short Bible study. Today only you can download a FREE Kindle copy of her book, My Scripture Journal: Gratitude. Click here to download your free copy. Leave a comment about something you’ve learned about gratitude and you’ll be entered in to a drawing to win a print authographed copy. I wrote a review in July 2012 of Heather’s book. Here it is: For my summer devotional read, I am using My Scripture Journal: Gratitude by Heather Bixler and enjoying it. My Scripture Journal: Gratitude’s format is so simple that…
Read MoreShelley Hitz’s “21 Days of Gratitude Challenge”: Gift This Book to You and Others

Book Review 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude by Shelley Hitz “ . . .take simple steps of intentional gratitude . . .and watch and see what God does.” Shelley Hitz, from 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge Shelley Hitz’s new book, 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude uses the idea that if people practice a habit for 21 days, they can create a new pattern of thinking and living. Hitz chose to implement this strategy in her own life after a season of loss and…
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I met Shelley Hitz through an online writer’s group. Shelley is the author of 11 books, including the newly released 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude. Book Description (Written by Shelley Hitz): During a season of transition in my life, I found myself overwhelmed with negative emotions like self-pity and a complaining spirit. It was as if a dark cloud had descended over me. I prayed and asked God for wisdom on how to overcome these negative emotions. And I sensed Him leading me to do this 21 days of gratitude challenge. Over…
Read MoreWeek of Gratitude Giveaways Aug. 20 to 24, 2012

I, along with two other gratitude writers, are excited to bring to you a Week of Gratitude Giveaways, where you’ll be able to win prizes, get inspired and more! Join best-selling authors Julie Saffrin, Shelley Hitz and Heather Bixler for some great prizes. Monday – August 20 – enter to win print copies of BlessBack®: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, by Julie Saffrin. Wednesday – August 22 – Download a FREE Kindle copy of 21 Days of Gratitude: Finding Freedom from Self-Pity and a Negative Attitude by Shelley Hitz AND enter to win a gratitude journal with thank-you notes. Friday…
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