What it’s really about is what C. S. Lewis expressed perfectly:
“Once in our world, a Stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.”
If you’ve been looking for a simple saying that expresses how you feel about Christmas and are looking for something that will fit perfectly in a 10-inch by 12-inch frame (my preference is a gold frame), then you have found such an item.
For awhile now, I’ve wanted to create something simple yet profound. That said it all about Christmas.
It’s now up in my Etsy store, in juliesaffrinsstuff
If you purchase this item, it will come in a beautiful sateen-like finished paper, with a sturdy cardboard behind it, wrapped in a cellophane sleeve to protect while traveling via the U.S. Post Office to your home.
100% satisfaction guaranteed.
I hope you enjoy this work of art as much as I enjoyed creating it.
May you have a blessed Christmas season.
About Julie Saffrin
Julie Saffrin is the author of numerous published articles and essays. Her latest book, BlessBack: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life, explores the power of gratitude and offers 120 creative ways to journey toward positive, lasting change.